SIGGRAPH 2025 submissions are now open!
Welcome to SIGGRAPH 2025
SIGGRAPH 2025 Juries
It is the commitment of our valued juries that allows us to best share what is transforming our fields and our world.

On behalf of the SIGGRAPH 2025 Committee, we would like to thank the following jurors for their knowledge, expertise, and dedication to SIGGRAPH.
Gabriela Aceves Sepulveda
Simon Fraser University, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Andres Burbano
Open University of Catalonia
Maria Grazia
Juergen Hagler
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Ars Electronica, Linz
Irini Papadimitriou
Independent Curator
Christiane Paul
Everardo Reyes
Johnny DiBlasi
Iowa State University
Yoon Chung Han
San Jose State University
Maiza Hixson
University of Texas at Dallas
Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang
National Tsing Hua University
Eunsu Kang
Carnegie Mellon University
Yuichiro Katsumoto
Tokyo Denki University, Katsumotoy
Sölen Kiratli
University of California San Diego, Visual Arts
Ebru Kurbak
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Margarita Köhl
Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
Virginia Melnyk
Iowa State
Barbara Mones
University of Washington
Vernelle Noel
Carnegie Mellon University
Weihao Qiu
Media Arts and Technology Program (MAT), UCSB; University of California Santa Barbara
Gustavo A. Rincon
AlloSphere at University of California, Santa Barbara; Media Arts & Technology, University of California Santa Barbara
Minka Stoyanova
Clark University
Robert Twomey
University of California, San Diego; Clarke Center for Human Imagination
Mariela Yeregui
Rhode Island School of Design, Journal for Artistic Research